Monday, December 8, 2014

Educational Game

Our next assignment was to make an educational game. We were to use Unity (finally a decent, and relevant engine). We were required to involve an expert in the field that we chose to do the game in, and we were to choose a conference or contest that we were to submit our game idea to. While we had to actually find and consult with an expert, we didn't actually have to submit the game to a conference.

When we divided up into our groups we talked about ideas we wanted to work on. No one was really proposing an idea, so I pitched the matter maker idea. As soon as I knew we were to work on a educational game I was excited to propose matter maker. I think it could be a fun game with a fun mechanic.

We talked about other possible ideas. As we talked about matter make, we also discussed making a game about the solar system, and gravitational fields. Because of the make up of the group we pretty quickly settled on something chemistry or physics related.

I pitched matter maker with a possible narrative about an alien living in a galaxy comprised of the elements found on the periodic table. There would be a hydrogen planet, or a lithium moon, or a gold asteroid belt for example. The planet this little guy was from was deteriorating, and in order to save it he would have to travel to various planets and collect the atoms and elements necessary to restore his own home planet. The idea was to teach the periodic table and the atomic makeup of the elements.

One of our engineers had been a chemistry teacher, and another engineer knew quite a lot about physics as well. When I proposed this they said that the periodic table was not something that was a problem for students. And we should find a way to teach the more difficult parts of chemistry. They said balancing equations was a pain point with some students.

We discussed the gameplay that would teach balancing equations, which to me felt very convoluted and cumbersome.

At this point in my blog, I probably sound like a pretty arrogant and bull-headed individual who's not interested in being a team player. It sounds like I'm saying, if it was my idea, it was a good one, if it was someone else's idea, it was a bad one. I realize I can come across this way, and it's something I need to constantly evaluate. It's a tough balance to strike; knowing when you're right, when you're wrong, trusting your instincts, and being open enough to recognize good ideas when they come from other individuals. 

We proceeded with the idea of chemistry, but when it was time for me to head back to work, we hadn't really chosen a specific design.

But I started artwork for the game. This is the artwork I would eventually create for the game. All of it deriving again from that initial design from matter maker.

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